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Writer's pictureMegan Anderson

Have you heard of this?

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

When it comes to the way we feed ourselves, you may have not come across this method just yet. Sure, we all know the grocery stores, the Walmarts, the Fred Meyers, and even gardening. But what if there is more to this world?

A world waiting to be explored by those of us who are tired of paying the inflated prices we are seeing at the grocery store. Where it now take +$300/week to feed a family of four. When not that long ago it was about $150.

I grew up in farm country. We always had a garden growing up, and my family has always hunted for subsistence. I've known where my food comes from, from an early age. A luxury not afforded to everyone. But as I got older I also learned a dirty truth about where I lived as well.

A truth that set me on the path I'm on today. Trying to find an answer, when for so long I was told there is no other answer. There is no other way to do things. "This is how we've done things forever and this is just the way it's done." "This is how its always been."

Well I have news for you. This is not how it has always been. Not even remotely close.

My ancestors did not use the volume of chemicals that are used in modern day agriculture. My ancestors did not concentrate cattle into feeding operations. My ancestors food was not as devoid of nutrients as what we find in America today. They had another way to do things and I believe they had the answers we need today.

It is no secret our food is making us sick. Big Ag is a multi-billion dollar industry and guess what, so is Big Pharma. There is most definitely more than a "conspiracy theory" worth of connections here.

Looking at statistics our generation is sicker than the previous generation and this has been a trend for our parents generation too. There is a theme here.

Eat foods that make you sick, seek a pharmaceutical to make you better. Most big ag. companies are also the same owners as the big pharma companies. They make money coming and going.

Most people get to this part of the conversation and think I'm going on an anti-technological rant. But I'm not. Stick with me and I think you'll be just as impressed with this method as I have been since the day I learned about it a decade ago.

There is a new way to approach what we eat and it has everything to do with designing our food systems after nature. Not just sustainable agriculture, but actually regenerating these spaces that we have abused for the past 5 decades or so.

Its called regenerative agriculture and goes beyond just sustaining our current systems. This method actually regenerates the soil critters which in turn regenerate the nutrients in the soils. Which leads to more nutrient dense foods.

Additionally this method advocates for creating local food production so food can be harvested at peak ripeness, which is also peak nutrient content. Bringing back jobs to these local areas.

And the beauty of this system is it can be scaled from container gardens on your deck all the way to acreage farms. Currently we have a hugelculture raised bed on our deck producing carrots, cucumbers, and beets.

We are also employing these methods to site garden spaces at all our rental housing. We need to be able to feed ourselves. And feed ourselves food that leads to health and wellness.

I bet you find a farm in your area employing these practices. Do a quick Google search about regenerative agriculture + farms and see what you find out.

For now I'll be sharing what I've picked up over the past decade of exploring this world outside anything I ever knew existed.

When it comes to gardening, or growing your own food, let me know what questions you have in the comments below.



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