Have you ever heard of vibrations or frequencies? Like everything is energy? Vibe Tribe? Or the ever present, "Your Frequency"?
When I first came across this, I was skeptical. Frequencies sounded like some strange voodoo thing and I steered clear. I've always wanted to know the science of "how" something worked before fully believing it. New products in my life? Research it. New ideas? Research it.
And my logical brain was saying this is way too wooey for me to get into. But I kept hearing it. Everything that I wanted somehow was wrapped up in these frequencies.
So one day I sat down to really reflect on my beliefs and see if what I believed is actually the ultimate truth. And an idea hit me! My college physics professor would be so proud of me! And I wondered if and maybe upgraded that C- I got in his class if he knew I was actually applying what I learned in his class.
As I sat there, the lessons from his class came back to me. Everything is made up of molecules. We know that. That is well established. And these molecules are all held together in specific sequences to create the substances we know in our physical world (houses, chairs, this computer I'm typing on.) And guess what comes next?!?!? These molecules are constantly vibrating!!!! This is true for the molecules in our bodies, in our water, in our food, in our essential oils, in everything! If we could use a microscope on everything around is us, we'd see everything is vibrating at all times. And guess what vibrations produce???? That is right! Frequencies!
Taking this a step further, the more energy we pour into these bonds between the molecules (think heat on ice crystals) the faster these bonds vibrate, and the higher of frequency they produce. Voila! HIGH VIBE TRIBE!
Each of our emotions is linked to a level of vibrating, or high energy. You can probably attest to this as when you feel low emotions such as jealousy, anger, blame, or worry you are not as motivated and don't feel as well as when you feel higher emotions such as passion, enthusiasm, or even hopefullness.
What can you do in this moment to get your molecules vibrating at a higher level?
Easiest way-drink some purified water
Next easiest way-put an oil on.
Third easiest way-take some deep breaths and ask yourselfe, what is my next best feeling thought? What thought can I think that helps me feel a little better than what I do right now?
Try this for yourself and comment below with how it feels for you.